The Broward MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a comprehensive list of federal, state, and locally funded transportation projects. All modes of transportation are included in the TIP. This includes transit, roadways, bridges, aviation, seaport, rail and commuter rail, bicycle facilities, pedestrian provisions, and enhancement projects like landscaping and greenways. The Florida Department of Transportation’s Work Program is used to produce the Broward MPO's five-year TIP.
The purpose of developing a TIP is to develop a staged, 5-year transportation project program consistent with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Significant projects that eventually get programmed into the TIP generally begin as ideas many years earlier. These ideas may be first thought of and included in the Broward MPO's adopted MTP, which covers a 20-25 year time span. As time passes, potential projects that remain viable gradually move closer to being included in the TIP through the MTP's financially constrained prioritization process. The Broward MPO adopts its TIP by July 15th each year.
Important Links
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) FY 2025-2029 - Approved 07/11/2024
- Interactive TIP Tool
- 2024/2025 Roll Forward Report - Approved 09/12/2024
- Administrative Modification (3) - Approved 08/28/224
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 10/29/2024
- TIP Amendment (4) - Approved 11/14/2024
- TIP Amendment (2) - Approved 12/12/2024
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 01/10/2025
- Administrative Modification (1) - Approved 01/16/2025
- TIP Amendment (1) - Anticipated to be Approved 02/13/2025
Municipal Reports
Legend and Abbreviations for Municipal Reports
Annual Listing of Obligated Projects
The Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (ALOP) shows what happened with TIP project funding during the preceding fiscal year. An obligated project is one that has been authorized by the federal government and funds have been approved to be released. The types of projects for which federal funds were obligated to include transit, bicycle/pedestrian/greenways, new roadways, road widening, intersection improvements and reconstruction, interchange improvements, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), landscaping, transportation enhancements, and safety-related projects.
Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2024
FDOT Tentative Work Program FY 2026-2030
- "What is the FDOT Work Program" Video
- Broward County Public Hearing Report
- FDOT Districtwide Public Hearing Report
- Draft Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Tentative Work Program FY 2025-2029
- "What is the FDOT Work Program" Video
- Broward County Public Hearing Report (October 18, 2023 FDOT Public Hearing Link)
- FDOT Districtwide Public Hearing Report
- Draft Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
Archived TIP Documents

- 2023/2024 Roll Forward Report - Approved 9/14/2023
- TIP Amendment (4) - Approved 9/14/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 10/12/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 11/01/2023
- TIP Amendment (4) - Approved 11/02/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 11/08/2023
- TIP Modification (2) - Approved 01/10/2024
- TIP Amendment (5) - Approved 02/08/2024
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 02/27/2024
- TIP Modification (2) - Approved 05/13/2024
- TIP Amendment (5) - Approved 06/17/2024
- TIP Administrative Modification (Mobility Hub Projects) - Approved 07/22/2024
- TIP Administrative Modification (2) - Approved 07/22/2024
Municipal Reports
Legend and Abbreviations for Municipal Reports
- 2022/2023 Roll Forward Report - Approved 9/8/2022
- TIP Modification (3) - Modified 9/20/2022
- TIP Amendment (1) - Approved 10/13/2022
- TIP Amendment (1) - Approved 12/8/2022
- TIP Modification (1) - Modified 1/5/2023
- TIP Amendment (1) - Approved 2/9/2023
- TIP Modification (2) - Modified 2/16/2023
- TIP Amendment (9) - Approved 3/9/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 3/16/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Approved 4/7/2023
- TIP Amendment (7) - Approved 5/11/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Modified 5/24/2023
- TIP Modification (1) - Modified 5/31/2023
- 2021/2022 Roll Forward Report -Approved 9/9/2021
- TIP Amendment (2) -Approved 9/9/2021
- TIP Modification (10) -Modified 11/1/2021
- TIP Modification (1) -Modified 11/4/2021
- TIP Amendment for Miccosukee Tribe (Everglades) -Approved on 12/9/2021
- TIP Amendment (6) -Approved 3/10/2022
- TIP Modification (1) -Modified 5/17/2022
- TIP Administrative Amendment(1) -Amended 7/20/2022
Municipal Reports
- 2020/2021 Roll Forward Report -Approved 10/8/2020
- TIP Administrative Modifications (2) -Modified 11/4/2020
- TIP Amendments (7) -Approved 1/28/2021
- TIP Administrative Modification (1) - Modified 2/4/2021
- TIP Amendment (1) -Approved 6/10/2021
Municipal Reports
- TIP Administrative Modification- FM# 436319-1 LYONS ROAD FROM C-14 CANAL TO SAWGRASS EXPRESSWAY - 8/15/2019
- TIP Administrative Modification (3) - 9/5/2019
- 2019/2020 Roll Forward Report- approved 10/10/2019
- TIP Administrative Modification (5) - 10/25/2019
- TIP Administrative Modification- FM# 436980-1 PEMBROKE ROAD FROM DOUGLAS ROAD (SW 89 AV) TO SR-817/UNIVERSITY DRIVE - 11/26/2019
- TIP Amendment- FM# 435513-1 SR-9/I-95 @ SR-842/BROWARD BOULEVARD - approved 12/12/2019
- TIP Administrative Modification- FM# 4438441 SR-838/SUNRISE BLVD FROM NW 34TH AVE TO SR-845/POWERLINE ROAD - 12/16/2019
- TIP Administrative Modification (3) - 1/16/2020
- TIP Administrative Modification- FM# 4398911 SR-869/SW 10 ST FROM W OF SR-845/POWERLINE RD TO WESTOF MILITARY TRL - 04/08/2020
- TIP Amendment- FM# 435808-1 SR-9/I-95 FROM S OF SR-870/COMMERCIAL BLVD TO N. OF CYPRESS CREEK RD - 05/14/2020
- 2018/2019 Roll Forward Report- approved 9/13/2018
- Administrative Modification- FM# 4393242 Broward MPO FY2018/2019-2019-2020 UPWP- 11/16/2018
- Response to comments from FHWA 8/30/2018
- TIP Administrative Modifications (4) 9/18/2018
- TIP Administrative Modification- FM# 438282-1 Dania Beach Area Wide- 11/9/2018
- TIP Administrative Modification- FM# 436903-1 SR-9/I-95 FROM N.OF HOLLYWOOD BLVD TO S. OF SR-858/HALLANDALE BCH BLVD- 1/9/2019 - revised 6/21/2019 - revised 9/4/2019
- TIP Amendment (4) 5/9/2019
- TIP Administrative Modification TIGER Projects 5/10/2019
- TIP Administrative Amendment- FM# 436319-1 LYONS ROAD FROM C-14 CANAL TO SAWGRASS EXPRESSWAY- 8/15/2019
- Administrative Amendment July 2018- University Drive and Broward Mobility Hollywood
- 2017/2018 Roll Forward Report
- Pine Island and Wave Streetcar Amendments April 2017
- Tamarac Bikeway Amendment Adopted July 2016
- Administrative Amendments 2016
- 2021/2022 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- 2020/2021 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- 2019/2020 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- 2018/2019 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- 2016/2017 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- 2015/2016 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- 2014/2015 Broward MPO Approved Multimodal Surface Transportation Priorities
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2023
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2022
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2021
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2020
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2019
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2018
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2017
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2016
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2015
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2014
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2024-2028
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- FDOT's District-Wide Citizen's Report
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2023-2027
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- FDOT's District-Wide Citizen's Report
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2022 - 2026
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- FDOT's District-Wide Citizen's Report
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2021 - 2025
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- FDOT's District-Wide Citizen's Report
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2020 - 2024
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- Programming Changes to the Broward Draft Tentative Work Program FY 2020‐2024
- FDOT's District-Wide Citizen's Report
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2019 - 2023
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- FDOT's District-wide Citizen's Report
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2018 - 2022
- Broward County Citizen's Report
- FDOT's District-wide Citizen's Report
- Status of Key Projects in Broward County
- Florida's Turnpike Enterprise Summary of Projects
FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program 2017 - 2021
2016/2017 TIP MAPS
For an overview of the Fiscal Year 2016/17 - 2020/2021 TIP projects located in your jurisdiction please click on the appropriate link located in the table below. Each .pdf file includes a map of the municipality along with a summary report of all identified projects. Funding amounts may differ between the amounts shown on the map and the project reports due to the previous years' cost of some projects.
2015/2016 TIP MAPS
For an overview of the Fiscal Year 2015/16 - 2019/2020 TIP projects located in your jurisdiction please click on the appropriate link located in the table below. Each .pdf file includes a map of the municipality along with a summary report of all identified projects. Funding amounts may differ between the amounts shown on the map and the project reports due to the previous years' cost of some projects.
For More Information
Please contact Jihong Chen at (954) 876-0066 or to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.