To include all modes of transportation, the Broward MPO formed the Roads for Families Advisory Committee (RFAC) as a holistic approach to address the bicycle/pedestrian needs of the region. This multidisciplinary group (comprised of municipal and partner agency staff, representatives of non-profit groups, and advocacy groups) developed the Roads for Families Guidelines to facilitate and assist local governments in the implementation of Roads for Families. The RFAC also serves as a forum for exchanging new ideas and projects, as well as allowing members to showcase their individual Roads for Families efforts. More importantly, it is responsible for providing and guiding the Broward MPO Roads for Families Initiative.
For additional information about the RFAC, CLICK HERE.
The RFAC meets on the quarterly on the second Monday of the month in the MPO Board Room, located in the Trade Centre South Building at 100 West Cypress Creek Road, 6th Floor, Suite 650, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 at 2:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.
For more information on upcoming RFAC meetings, please see the MPO's Agendas & Minutes and Calendar pages.

March 9, 2020
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Summary
- Meeting Presentation
January 13, 2020
November 4, 2019
September 9, 2019 - Cancelled
July 8, 2019
May 13, 2019
March 11, 2019
January 14, 2019
November 5, 2018
September 24, 2018
May 14, 2018
March 12, 2018
January 8, 2018
November 13, 2017
July 10, 2017
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Summary
- Meeting Presentation
- Mobility Management Facilitation Program Presentation
- Mobility Management Situation Appraisal Presentation
May 8, 2017
March 13, 2017
November 14, 2016
August 8, 2016
- LA Living Streets Guide
- Complete Streets Coalition
- Prevent Obesity Website
- Deerfield Beach Complete Streets Surve
- Walking While Old: Seniors Face Greatest Death Risk
- The newly released third edition of The Innovative DOT provides 34 strategies transportation officials can use to position their agencies for success in a new era of constrained budgets.
- Protected Bike Lanes Mean Business - How 21st Century Transportation Networks Help New Urban Economies Boom
- AARP: Complete Streets in the Southeast - A Toolkit
- New York Magazine - Why New Yorkers Last Longer
- Study shows gap between public health and transportation policy
- Secretary Foxx Talks Bike Lanes - Map-21
- Bikers Suck Down Less Pollution When They Ride in Seperated Bike Lanes
- FHWA to Engineers: Go Ahead and Use City-Friendly Street Designs
- Introducing Urbanful: Celebrating the innovative people changing our cities
- A great compilation of protected bike lane demo projects that have happened all throughout the country
- Free Annual Workshops from Smart Growth America
- Will “Little Nudges” Slow Drivers Down to New NYC Speed Limit?
- Cincinnati Bike Movement Skips Angry Drivers, Gets Right Down to Growing
- What 5 Cities, 17K Cyclists, and 20K Cars Tell Us About Protected Bike Lanes
- Longitudinal Analysis of Transit's Land Use Multiplier in Portland (OR)
- Research shows easy-to-walk communities can blunt cognitive decline
- Florida DOT Looks To Trim Lanes To Increase Pedestrian, Cyclist Safety
- Smart Growth Awards Application
- Reimagining Our Streets as Places: From Transit Routes to Community Roots
- Safer Streets, Stronger Economics (analyzes that data and explores the outcomes communities get for their investments in Complete Streets)
- Ranked: The Most Bike-Friendly States in the US
- FHWA Seperated Bike Lanes Planning and Design Guide
- HIA: Health benefits of bicycling outweigh the risks
For More Information
Please contact Ricardo Gutierrez at or (954) 876-0044 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.