Roads for Families Advisory Committee (RFAC)

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To include all modes of transportation, the Broward MPO formed the Roads for Families Advisory Committee (RFAC) as a holistic approach to address the bicycle/pedestrian needs of the region. This multidisciplinary group (comprised of municipal and partner agency staff, representatives of non-profit groups, and advocacy groups) developed the Roads for Families Guidelines to facilitate and assist local governments in the implementation of Roads for Families. The RFAC also serves as a forum for exchanging new ideas and projects, as well as allowing members to showcase their individual Roads for Families efforts. More importantly, it is responsible for providing and guiding the Broward MPO Roads for Families Initiative.

RFAC Members

For additional information about the RFAC, CLICK HERE.

The RFAC meets on the quarterly on the second Monday of the month in the MPO Board Room, located in the Trade Centre South Building at 100 West Cypress Creek Road, 6th Floor, Suite 650, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 at 2:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.

For more information on upcoming RFAC meetings, please see the MPO's Agendas & Minutes and Calendar pages.

RFAC Meeting Materials
RFAC Resources


For More Information

Please contact Ricardo Gutierrez at or (954) 876-0044 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.