The MPO’s Roads for Economic Vitality (REV) program provides funding for small local transportation projects that will improve the safety and mobility for all transportation users in Broward. This competitive grant program can fund projects such as (but not limited to): complete streets projects, traffic calming and intersection improvements, ADA upgrades, mobility hubs, bike racks and technology advancements such as transit signal priority and traffic control devices.
Program Updates
- The Cycle 9 (FY 2025) project applications were recently ranked using the board approved evaluation crtieria. The Draft Priority List of projects is located HERE. Please keep in mind that not all the projects on this list are guaranteed to receive funding. This list of projects is up for recommendation by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on December 4th and up for approval by the Board on December 12th. You may view the full agenda item on the Agendas and Minutes Page.
- The FDOT D4 Tentative Work Program for FY 26 - 30 is up for approval by the MPO Board on December 12th. See the Agendas and Minutes page for the agenda item to learn more. The Tentative Work Program is posted on the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Page and the report is called "Broward County Public Hearing Report."
- Reminder: The REV Policy changes approved by the Board on July 23, 2023 will take effect in Cycle 9 (FY 2025). The updated Policies can be found on the Application Information page, under Program Policies.
- The Cycle 8 Priority List of Projects is located HERE. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) recommended Board approval at the November 29, 2023 TAC meeting and the Board approved the List of projects on February 8, 2024.
Eligible Recipients
For More Information
Please contact Kerrie MacNeil at (954) 876-0072 or to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.