Performance Measures

Performance measures track progress toward attaining goals and objectives. The Broward MPO uses performance measures to:

  • Assess how well the transportation system is operating
  • Provide information to support decisions
  • Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of transportation project and service delivery
  • Demonstrate transparency and accountability to Florida's citizens

The federal transportation funding legislation, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), formalized these basic planning concepts and added a new requirement, “Performance-based Planning ” into the metropolitan planning process. Federal metropolitan planning rules require Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPOs) to incorporate clearly stated goals, objectives and measures in their planning processes. At their core, goals, objectives and measures (GOMs) provide a clear way to convey the trade-offs made during the planning and project prioritization process. 

Rule Making and Target Setting

Between 2016 and 2017, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published several rules establishing performance measures and reporting requirements for State Departments ofTransportation (DOTs), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and transit agencies.

FHWA and FTA Jointly issued a Planning Rule to document changes in the statewide and metropolitan planning processes consistent with the MAP-21 and the Fixing America’sSurface Transportation (FAST) Act. Among other changes,this rule specifies the requirements for State DOTs and MPOs to implement a performance-based approach to planning and programming. Under this framework, the three FHWA Performance Measures (PM) rules and FTA transit rule established various performance measures required to monitor the performance of safety (PM1), bridge and pavement (PM2), system performance (PM3), transit asset management (TAM) and Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) i.e. transit safety. The rules also indicate how MPOs should set targets, report progress,and integrate performance management into their Long-Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) and TransportationImprovement Programs (TIPs).


Broward Transportation Performance Dashboard


The Broward MPO Performance Measures dashboard aims to assist planners and policymakers in tracking federally-mandated performance measures (which include: Safety, Infrastructure, System Performance, Transit Asset Management and Transit Safety) in order to fulfill the Broward MPO vision of having measurable impact.

CLICK HERE to view the Broward Transportation Performance Dashboard!

State of the System Report

BMPO SOS Report 2025 DRAFT 4 Page 01

The purpose of the State of the System Report is to provide a yearly “snapshot” on how the Broward MPO is doing in meeting the federal requirements relating to Performance Measures and to assist us in monitoring our planning efforts and those of our regional planning partners. The report contains the most recent transportation and land use data about Broward and its multimodal transportation system. This report which will be produced yearly, will be an important tool in our mission “to plan, prioritize, fund and monitor the delivery of diverse transportation options”.

To view the State of the System Report, Click HERE.

Performance-Based Planning

Performance-based planning attempts to make the transportation investment decision-making process both informed and accountable. Several questions need to be answered to successfully implement this method:

  • What are the areas of opportunity and concern we as a community, region, state and nation are trying to address?
  • How do those areas perform both now and historically? Can we measure them?
  • What are our improvement goals for those areas?
  • Given competing areas and limited resources, what can we achieve that addresses our concerns?
  • How do we prioritize our investments in such a way that we can best achieve our goals?
  • When projects are built, or services are added or enhanced, did they achieve what they were intended to do?

One desired outcome of performance-based planning is constant quality improvement in project selection and delivery with respect to meeting national goals. If a particular project did not help the plan meet its stated goals, or was more effective than originally thought, that information can inform future decision-making. Done properly, performance-based planning not only improves project selection and prioritization, it also can make a compelling case for the Broward MPO’s LRTP and why the community is invested in its outcome.

For More Information

Please contact Paul Flavien at or (954) 876-0045 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.