Metro Transportation Engineering & Construction Cooperative (MTECC)

BMPO MTECC LandingPage IntroImage Logo

What is MTECC? 

MTECC is a self-governed and self-funded cooperative created by local municipalities to facilitate the planning, design, and construction of transportation related projects throughout Broward County. Annual dues from participating municipalities cover overhead while projects costs are covered through federal project awards.

At the first Mayor’s and Elected Officials Roundtable hosted by the Broward MPO a need to oversee the implementation of federally awarded off-state highway projects was identified. The award of transportation funding to any given municipality is not frequent enough to justify permanent resources. With 31 municipalities within Broward County, many of the smaller municipalities face a greater relative burden, while also having some of the greatest transportation needs.


The Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) decision to end the delivery of federally funded off-state highway system projects using Local Agency Program (LAP) requires significant technical resources and specialized administrative knowledge to navigate federal and state reporting requirements. There is a high cost and complexity of LAP delivery to individual municipalities.

The Broward MPO performed a study to assess its member governments’ ability to apply for and administer federal discretionary transportation grant awards, as well as administer and implement LAP projects. This study indentified deficiencies across member governments both large and small in their abilities to apply for and administer federal grants and LAP projects. No single city indicated that they could provide 100% of the required capabilities in either focus area.

MTECC will provide:

  • Centralized engineering expertise with design, bid package preparation, construction oversight, inspection, right of way, etc.
  • Centralized procurement. Efficient & timely project delivery
  • Centralized public involvement team
  • City only buys services necessary without need to maintain staff

Authorized Activities of MTECC:  

Federal Aid Project Administration

  • LAP Certification
  • Liability of the Parties for Federal Aid Project Completion

Local Project Administration

  • Provision of Services to Municipal Members
  • Payment for Services
  • Selection of Services

MTECC Types of Work

The inaugural MTECC committee meeting will be held on September 2, at 10:00 a.m. in the MPO Board Room.

Reference Links:

MTECC Poster Presentation

Broward MPO Municipal Grants Management Assessment - Full Report


MTECC Current Solicitations

Audit services

SolicitationsTypeNumberRelease DateClosing DateQ&AResults
RFP PackageRFP RFP No. 23-04 11-2-202311-28-2023 

Revised Timetable 11-30-2023

Notice of Intended Award

Addendum No. 1RFP RFP No. 23-04 11-16-202311-28-2023  

MTECC General Design and Engineering Services

SolicitationsTypeNumberRelease DateClosing DateQ&AResults
RFQ PackageRFQ RFQ No. 23-02  05-12-202306-07-2023 Notice of Intended Award 
ADDENDUM NO. 1RFQ RFQ No. 23-02  05-25-202306-14-2023   
ADDENDUM NO. 2RFQ RFQ No. 23-02  06-06-202306-14-2023  CLARIFICATION:  Exhibit 14.1 required for Prime Contractor and all Subcontractors.  Electronic signatures are acceptable for this form. 
ADDENDUM NO. 3RFQ RFQ No. 23-02  06-07-202306-14-2023   
SolicitationsTypeNumberRelease DateClosing DateQ&AResults
RFQ PackageRFQ RFQ No. 23-01  03-15-202304-6-2023  

Schedule of Events- Revision 1

Notice of Intended Award

ADDENDUM NO. 1RFQ RFQ No. 23-01  03-28-202304-6-2023   

For More Information

Please contact Christopher C. Bross, CPPO at or (954) 876-0064 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.