I-95 Integrated Corridor Management

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The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Department of Transportation (FDOT), and its partners are looking to use an Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) approach to manage the I-95 corridor as a multimodal system and make operational decisions for the benefit of the corridor as a whole. 

I-95 ICM Grant

On February 26, 2015, the Broward MPO was awarded a grant by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the amount of $180,000 for a planning study to advance the I-95 ICM Concept of Operations in achieving consensus among the stakeholders; develop high-level system requirements; and develop an implementation plan. Transportation corridors often contain underutilized capacity in the form of parallel roadways, single-occupant vehicles, and transit services that could be better leveraged to improve person throughput and reduce congestion. Facilities and services on a corridor are often independently operated, and efforts to date to reduce congestion have focused on the optimization of the performance of individual assets.  ICM will leverage the evolving Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) program, and emerging regional managed lanes network, to provide a higher level of operational integration among the multimodal transportation assets within Broward County. This integration would enhance the ability to reroute traffic to alternative arterials or modes when there are congestion events (e.g., crashes, railroad grade crossings, special events etc.).  The project study area will cover the I-95 corridor in Broward County. 

For More Information

Please contact Buffy Sanders II at sandersb@browardmpo.org or (954) 876-0046 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.