The MPO prepares its operational budget every two years. In the planning world, the budget is known as the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) as it incorporates and describes all transportation planning activities and associated funding (budget) for the MPO and our planning partners in Broward. Our fiscal year (FY) begins July 1 and ends June 30. Each year, the MPO’s financial statements and expenditures related to the budget are audited by an independent auditor.
What is contained in the MPO’s Budget/UPWP?
The MPO’s budget/UPWP provides a comprehensive picture to citizens and stakeholders who wish to see how federal and state transportation planning dollars are to be spent by the Broward MPO, local governments and transit agencies providing services to Broward. The following information can be found in the UPWP:
- Introduction and overview of transportation planning activities
- MPO Governance Structure and available documents
- Specific work tasks and products with related budget details for MPO administration, data collection and transportation planning activities
- Budget tables summarizing funding sources and utilization of funds
How is the MPO’s Budget/UPWP developed?
The UPWP is developed by Broward MPO staff in consultation with partner agencies, municipal staff and input from local citizens and stakeholders. The information collected is incorporated into the UPWP and budgeted accordingly. This document is then submitted to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for review, comment and final acceptance.
Current UPWP Documents

How are the MPO’s Budget and Planning Activities monitored?
Because the MPO expends federal and state dollars, we are required to be audited by an independent auditor. Each year the auditor reviews the MPO’s financial statements and internal controls and procedures for the previous fiscal year. The following comprehensive reports demonstrate that the Broward MPO is in compliance with Federal and State requirements:
- Audit Report FY 2024
- Audit Report FY 2023
- Audit Report FY 2022
- Audit Report FY 2021
- Audit Report FY 2020
- Audit Report FY 2019
- Audit Report FY 2018
- Audit Report FY 2017
For More Information
Please contact Carl Ema at (954) 876-0052 or to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.