The ability to access transportation is vital to our quality of life. Those persons who are unable to transport themselves or purchase transportation due to physical or mental disability, income status, or age are considered transportation disadvantaged (TD). These members of the community are therefore dependent upon others to obtain access to health care and social services, education, employment, shopping and other life sustaining activities. The mission of Florida's TD program is to ensure the availability of efficient, cost-effective, and quality transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged. To get involved, please CLICK HERE to learn more about the Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged.
At the Helm: The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD)
Leading the Transportation Disadvantaged program for the State of Florida is the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD). The CTD is the policy-setting board that is legislatively responsible for oversight and coordination of TD services statewide. The CTD administers the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund and implements all provisions in Chapter 427.013 F.S. For more information, please visit the CTD’s Website.
Important Links
Identifying Local Needs: The Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (LCB)
The Local Coordination Board (LCB) serves to identify local service needs and provide information, advice and direction to the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) on the coordination of services to be provided to the TD program. The LCB focuses on compliance with state requirements for TD planning and ensuring that public transportation is accessible to everyone, including the transportation disadvantaged. LCB membership is composed of several representatives such as: health and human services agencies, the elderly and disabled, citizens, and the private transportation industry and is established pursuant to Rule 41-2.012(3), Florida Administrative Code (FAC).
The LCB meets quarterly (January, May, September, October) in the MPO Board Room, located in the Trade Centre South Building at 100 West Cypress Creek Road, 6th Floor, Suite 650, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-2181 at 2:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the public and your participation is encouraged!
- For a schedule of LCB meetings, as well as agendas and minutes, please see our Agendas & Minutes page, located at
For TD trip planning assistance, including transit, paratransit, shared ride, and volunteer services information, visit Broward 211's 1-Click trip planning tool:
Provider of Services: The Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC)
The Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) is the entity that ensures TD services in Broward County for eligible persons. Since 1990, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners has been the designated CTC operating through Broward County Transit's (BCT's) paratransit program. For more information about TD services, please visit Together, the Broward MPO and the CTC develop the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP). The objective of the TDSP is to provide a blueprint of TD services with a framework for service performance evaluation to meet the needs of the community.
Archived Documents

For More Information
Please contact Rebecca Schultz at or (954) 876-0047 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.