Broward MPO Shines in 2015 Federal Certification

Federal Review in meeting room

Every four years, the Broward MPO undergoes an intensive evaluation process headed by the Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The FHWA/FTA Federal Review consists of four main activities, including: The review of planning documents, conducting a site visit, the development of a certification report, and a certification review close out presentation that discusses evaluation findings. Federal review team lead Stacie Blizzard recognized the Broward MPO for 13 different items that the FHWA/ FTA identified as “best practices.” The closeout findings acknowledged many of the Broward MPO’s key initiatives, such as support for TRAC & RIDES, the Speak Up Broward program, the Complete Streets Initiative, and attention to the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) population. “It was very difficult trying to boil down how many things to include in this report, because I just don’t think there really is anything that this MPO initiates and starts that isn’t a best practice,” Blizzard stated at the close out presentation. To view the complete findings from 2015, as well as those from previous certifications, please visit our Federal and State Certifications Page, but hovering under the "Who We Are" tab.