Reaching out to local Realtor's at Realtor's Summit

 Broward MPO Booth display      Relators checking out sponsor tables

On April 3, MPO Public Outreach Officer attended the Realtor's Summit held at the Signature Grand in Davie to reach out to local Realtor's and chat about what the MPO does and how it applies to their industry. During this event, realtor's were given materials such as the 2018-2019 Annual Report, pens, Metropolitan Transportation Plan fact sheets, chip clips, and Core Products fact sheets to increase their understanding of what the MPO does and why it does it. 

In addition to handing out educational items, Hannah showed realtors the 12 bundle areas in Broward and what projects are in the plans to be implemented to make those areas safer and more accessible to all users. During the event, over 75 realtors stopped by the table to talk transportation and how transportation options can be a huge influencer to prospective tenants and homeowners. 

Want the MPO to attend your next event? Reach out to Hannah Bourgeois at or (954) 876-0053 or Anthea Thomas at or (954) 876-0034 to schedule.