Title VI/ADA/Transition Plan Training - Thursday, August 4, 2016
The MPO hosted a training workshop regarding Title VI and ADA, including the subject of ADA Transition Plans.
- Jaelyn Williams Title VI & Nondiscrimination
- Patrick Gomez ADA Transition Plans
- Kara Hogan Challenges ADA Compliance
- Dean Perkins Safe Accessible Pedestrian Facilities Inventory Model (SAPFIM Tool) & Transition Plans
- Chris Talbot ADA Video Logs
Some useful links/references mentioned during the training:
- 2016 USDOT Civil Rights Virtual Symposium
- FDOT District 4's Roadway Atlas - On the menu bar select the layers and legend and you will see all the information available to you, including "roadway jurisdiction".
- FDOT's Equal Opportunity Office/Investigations and Compliance/Title VI
- Example from New York State DOT Civil Rights Requirements including ADA Transition Plans