Funtastic Fridays Goes Green!

Public Outreach Officer, Hannah, talks with children about environmental benefits of biking   MPOer Charlene engaging kids with bike safety worksheets  Fading sunset over ArtsPark at Young Circle after Green event  

Funtastic Fridays Goes Green in the City of Hollywood! On April 26, MPOers Hannah and Charlene attended the 9th Annual Funtastic Fridays event to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day. During this yearly event, families from all around Broward come to ArtsPark at Young Circle to celebrate Earth and learn what actions they can take to be more environmentally conscious. Vendors taught children how to pot and care for a plant, what pesticides and GMO does to the food we eat, how single-use plastic affects marine life and how riding a bike instead of driving reduces our carbon footprint to name a few! The MPO team had a blast speaking with the over 80 attendees who stopped by the table to learn the benefits of biking and how to stay safe on the road. 

The younger children who stopped by our table were especially interested in the bike safety activity sheets we had for them, while their parents took a liking to our Bike Map highlighting safe bike routes throughout Broward. Special thanks to the City of Hollywood for organizing the event and inviting the Broward MPO to participate. 

Want to host the Broward MPO at your next event? Reach out to Anthea Thomas for scheduling inquiries.