Earlier this week, the Broward MPO hosted Broward County teachers for a two-day Transportation and Civil Engineering (TRAC) training workshop. TRAC and RIDES is an American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) led initiative. Fifteen Broward schools were represented, as well as a representative from the Hillsborough County (Tampa) Public Schools District, helping in our efforts to take this program statewide.
This is the MPO's fourth year working with teachers through the TRAC program. In addition to TRAC, the MPO has also worked with teachers and students through the Roadways In Developing Elementary Students (RIDES) program, and by hosting "Think Like a Planner" workshops at the MPO office. A special thanks to MPO Board Chair Richard Blattner and Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky for stopping by and speaking with the teachers.