
The Broward MPO has quite a few acronyms on our website.

To stay ‘in the know’ see the list below.  

AA Alternatives Analysis
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
AFV Alternate Fuel Vehicles
APR Annual Performance Report
APTA American Public Transit Association
AMPO Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
AVL Automatic Vehicle Location System
BCCB Broward County Coordinating Board
BCT Broward County Transit
BEBR Bureau of Economics and Business Research
BLC Broward League of Cities
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
BPAC Bicycling and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
CAA Clean Air Act
CAC Citizens' Advisory Committee
CBD Central Business District
CMA Critical Movement Analysis
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
CMP Congestion Management Process
CTC Community Transportation Coordinator
DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
DCA Department of Community Affairs
DRI Development of Regional Impact
EA Environmental Assessment
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
F.A.C. Florida Administrative Code
FCTD Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
FDOT Florida Department of Transportation
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
F.S. Florida Statute
FTA Federal Transit Administration
Funding Codes  Funding Code Acronyms
FY Fiscal Year
GIS Geographic Information Systems
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HUD U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
HV Hourly Volume
ILA InterlocalAgreement
ISTEA IntermodalSurface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
JARC Job Access and Reverse Commute
JPA Joint Participation Agreement
LOS Level of Service
LRT Light Rail Transit
LRTP Long-Range Transportation Plan
MDT Miami-Dade Transit
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
MPOAC Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
NHS National Highway System
NOI Notice of Intent
NTS National Transportation System
NTC Neighborhood Transit Centers
PD&E Project Development and Environment
PL 112 Planning Funds (Federal)
PPP Public Participation Plan
P&R Park & Ride
RFP Request for Proposal
RLI Request for Letters of Interest
ROW Right-of-way
SAFETEA-LU    Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation
Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
SEFTC Southeast Florida Transportation Council
SFEC South Florida Education Center
SFRTA South Florida Regional Transportation Authority
SFRPC South Florida Regional Planning Council
SIS StrategicIntermodalSystem
SOV Single Occupancy Vehicle
SR State Road
STIP Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan
TAC Technical Advisory Committee
TAZ Traffic Analysis Zone
TECEA Transportation Concurrency Exception Area
TDM Transportation Demand Management
TD Transportation Disadvantaged-  to view a full list of Transportation Disadvantaged Glossary of Abbreviations click here
TDC Transportation Disadvantaged Commission
TDP Transit Development Plan
TDSP Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the21stCentury
TIP Transportation Improvement Program
TMA Transportation Management Area
TOC Transit Oriented Corridor
TOD Transit Oriented Development
TSM&O Transportation Systems Management and Operations
TRB Transportation Research Board
US DOT United States Department of Transportation
UPWP Unified Planning Work Program
VMT Vehicle Miles of Travel