What is Tactical Urbanism?
Quick, short-term, often low-cost creative projects are the essence of the BTactical program. Quick build projects have become a powerful and adaptable new tool of urban planners, and policymakers seeking to drive lasting improvements in cities.
These interventions are often highly visible and are defined by the following characteristics:
- The offering of innovative design solutions for planning challenges, traffic calming, and multimodal streets
- Short-term actions, long-term commitment, and realistic expectations
- Helps measure the impact of interventions prior to a long-term and permanent project implementation
- Pilot projects that are reversible and adjustable according to the needs of the community
- Enhanced collaboration and strengthens partner relationships between public, private, and nonprofit sectors
Quick build projects are focused on existing safety, accessibility and connectivity needs and the Broward MPO is working with local governments and stakeholders on the implementation of long-term projects that include the feedback from the community.
#Btactical Informational Webinar! Cycle II 2022
The BTactical team conducted a webinar on Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. to present an introduction to quick build projects.
Webinar materials
#BTactical Background
The Tactical Urbanism Program, BTactical, is a Broward Roads for Families Initiative effort to quickly implement multimodal safety improvements on the Broward Roadway Network, following the recommendations of the set of priority action items identified in the Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Action Plan.
The Broward MPO is committed to improving transportation safety and offering a variety of choices with improved comfort for those who live, work, and play in Broward. This will be accomplished by delivering quick-build projects while also working on comprehensive longer-term street projects to support partner agencies implementing pilot projects that test new ideas, generate public awareness, and support efforts to increase multimodal safety, accessibility, and connectivity.
Quick Build Projects
Local governments submitted project ideas to be implemented through the Tactical Urbanism Program BTactical. Check out the below pages that feature the BTactical Pilot projects of 2021 and 2022:
Tactical Urbanism Resources
To learn more about Tactical Urbanism and how you can implement Quick-Build projects in your community, visit the below resources to help get you started. Stay tuned as we will be providing more resources in the coming months as Quick-Build projects are implemented across Broward.
- The Pop-Up Placemaking Tool Kit
- Asphalt Art Guide
- Designing Streets for Kids
- Event Liability Release
For More Information
Please contact Ricardo Gutierrez at gutierrezr@browardmpo.org or (954) 876-0044 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.