REV Questions & Answers

Commonly Asked Questions


What Is REV?

The MPO's REV program provides funding for small local transportation projects which improve the safety and mobility for all transportation users in Broward. This competitive grant program can fund projects such as (but not limited to): complete streets projects, traffic calming and intersection improvements, ADA upgrades, mobility hubs, bus shelters, bike racks and technology advancements such as transit signal priority and traffic control devices.

Who Can Apply?
  • Local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies and tribal governments.
  • Natural resource and public land agencies.
  • School districts and local educational agencies.
  • Private transportation service providers.
When Can We Apply?

The REV program occurs on an annual basis with applications typically due in the fall. However, we encourage applicants to start as early as possible. Most of the information is available on the REV website year-round.

How Much Does REV Fund?

REV has an application cap of $4 million for construction costs. The cap is not inclusive of design and CEI for participating items. Projects over the $4 million construction cap are typically better suited for a different program at the MPO.

Please note that if the project is delivered via LAP, the design and CEI costs are reimbursable.

Should We Plan For Contingencies?

Yes! Amounts above the $3 million construction cap or non-participating items will be at the cost of the applicant.

Is There A Match Required?

Not only is there no match required, providing a match will NOT provide extra points to the project for ranking. However, agencies should plan for overages and non-participating items as mentioned in the "Should We Plan For Contingencies?" question.

What Can REV Fund?

REV can fund projects that fit into four main categories: Complete Streets, Safety & Security, Sustainability Initiatives, and Technology Advancements. However, due to Federal regulations some project elements are easier to fund than others. Certain elements such as adding bike lanes and sidewalks can be funded in most cases; while others, like parking, can only be funded under certain circumstances. This is why we suggest agencies meet with MPO staff in order to optimize applications' eligibility for funding.

Can REV Fund Landscaping?

Through the LAP process, agencies can now include landscaping as a participating item in the cost estimate form.

How Can We Get Project Information?

To see a project’s funding years, project manager, or total amount programmed, take a look at the Broward County Citizen Report on our website. Once the document is open, you can either search for “CSLIP”, the name of the project, or the FM# if you have it.
To get more detailed information about the funding of the project, scope items, general project schedule, or project meeting requests, feel free to reach out to the REV Manager at the Broward MPO.

Can We Receive Feedback On Our Applications?

Yes, the MPO and FDOT host one-on-one pre-application meetings every year to help applicants prepare for submission. However, if you would like comments earlier in the process, feel free to reach out to the REV Manager. They will be able to provide comments via email or set up an in person meeting to discuss your application.

How Are Projects Ranked?

Unlike previous programs like TE and TAP*, which used a subjective ranking process, REV uses and objective tool to evaluate and rank the application submitted. This tool was developed with direction from our board and uses several geographic datasets to score the projects.**

*See the “History” page on the REV website for more information

**Evaluation chart and data are available on the “Application Information” page on the REV website.

When Are Projects Awarded?

After projects are submitted to the MPO, the projects go through several stages before they are awarded.

  1. Completeness review and ranking (Oct - Nov)
  2. TAC/CAC recommendation and Board approval (Nov - Dec)
  3. MPO and FDOT vetting (Mar - Aug)
  4. FDOT programming (Aug - Oct)
  5. Projects awarded (Nov - Jan)
Is There An Annual Budget For REV?

There is an annual budget for REV; however, it is not a static number. The budget changes every year and is dependent on several factors: the amount of Federal appropriations, what “funding pots” the submitted projects can access (e.g., State dollars), and percent of annual Federal dollars allocated to the program (determined by the MPO Board).

How Many Projects Can Be Submitted Per Agency?

There is a limit of two applications per project sponsor in which the facility/ROW owner and local jurisdiction are the same. (i.e. city facility located within city boundary, county facility located within unincorporated areas). An additional two partner applications per project sponsor is allowed in which the facility/ROW owner (excluding State facilities) differs from the local jurisdiction boundary in which the facility is located. (i.e. County facility located within a city boundary, city facility crossing city boundaries). However, a partner application must be noted in the application.


For More Information

Please contact Kerrie MacNeil at (954) 876-0072 or to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.