Regional Freight

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The Broward MPO is working with our partners in the region to improve the movement of freight and goods in Southeast Florida.

2024 State of the Systems Report

The purpose of the State of the System Report is to provide a data-driven “snapshot” that assists using our planning efforts and those of our regional planning partners. This report contains the most recent and available baseline transportation and land use data about Broward and its multimodal transportation system. Having this data available and ready each year will improve our ability “to plan, prioritize, and fund the delivery of diverse transportation options”, as our Strategic Business Plan’s Mission Statement has specified.

CLICK HERE or the image below to open and view the Report. 


Economic Impact

The economic impact of freight and goods in Southeast Florida is tremendous. According to the 2014 Southeast Florida Regional Freight Plan, the freight industry is directly responsible for 278,000 jobs in Southeast Florida, with an average annual salary of $69,000. Overall, the freight industry has a $55 billion dollar impact on Southeast Florida's economy.

2019 BUILD Grant

The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization, in coordination with Port Everglades, is applying for a Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD)  grant to leverage existing local and state funds to construct the Intermodal Freight Connector Project. The BUILD program is the  replacement for the pre-existing Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program.

The Intermodal Freight Connector Project calls for the extension of an existing turning notch to add up to five additional berths at the Port, the renovation of dock infrastructure (including a switchgear building), and state-of-the-art environmentally friendly bulkheads. These activities will complement the recent Florida East Coast Railway investment in an on-port Intermodal Container Transfer Facility, the Florida Department of Transportation Eller Drive Grade Separation Project, which separates truck and rail traffic serving Port Everglades’ Southport container complex, and the larger deepening and widening project, which will help the port to continue to accommodate post-Panamax cargo vessels, which call at the port today.

Broward MPO Freight Transportation Advisory Committee (FTAC)

For a link to the Broward MPO Freight Transportation Advisory Committee webpage, CLICK HERE

Intermodal Freight Planning

Improving the efficient movement of freight and goods in Southeast Florida also requires considering the transfers of freight and goods between different modes of transportation---air, sea, rail, and road. These transfers between modes occur at intermodal facilities such as airports, seaports, freight rail terminals, and major trucks terminals. In 2014, Port Everglades in partnership with the Florida East Coast Railway completed a $53 million dollar Intermodal Container Transfer Facility (ICTF) that will help transfer international and domestic shipments between ship and rail. The completion of this facility has increased traffic at Port Everglades by 26 percent.

For More Information

Please contact Paul Flavien at or (954) 876-0045 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.