
SR7 Overview

SR7 Study Area

The study area is a mile-wide corridor centered on SR 7 that runs from just south of the Miami-Dade County Line to north of Sample Road.  The corridor impacts 15 cities, unincorporated Broward County, and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. The corridor has the highest transit ridership of any corridor in Broward County with over 20,000 transit riders per day. The need for the project was identified in Commitment 2040, Broward County’s Long Range Transportation Plan.

Study Area Map

To view the SR7 Improvement Corridor Study Area Map, please click here.

Project Schedule

To view the SR7 Improvement Corridor Study Project Schedule, please click here.

Project FactSheet

To view the SR7 Improvement Corridor Study Project FactSheet, please click here.

For More Information

Please contact James Cromar at cromarj@browardmpo.org or (954) 876-0038 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.