Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Webinar
As a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds, the Broward MPO is required to update its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal every three years. The proposed overall FTA DBE Goal is 6.6%.
Prior to submitting the goal to FTA for review and acceptance, the Broward MPO is holding a 30-day public comment period until June 4, 2023. The program, goal, and methodology may be viewed here. Comments may be directed to the attention of Norma Corredor, the Broward MPO’s DBE Liaison Officer at (954) 875-0051 or by e-mail at corredorn@browardmpo.org.
To support this process, please join us for a free webinar regarding the 2023 DBE Goal on May 25, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EDT. Register for this event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i5AJ2WTzTHWNwK5fWNsVQA. A recording of this webinar will be made available once it concludes.
Click here for the DBE Program Fact Sheet.