The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (Broward MPO) has developed a consensus building initiative with the communities along the SW 10th Street corridor to discuss the future of the corridor between Florida’s Turnpike and I-95. The purpose of this initiative is to identify concerns on current and future conditions and to develop consensus on potential near and long-term transportation improvements. Traffic volume along the SW 10th Street corridor between Florida’s Turnpike and I-95 has consistently increased over the past 20 years and is expected to continue to grow, compounding congestion and noise. Previous proposals for improvements on SW 10th Street have focused on moving vehicles with little consideration for livability issues that address the concerns of adjacent residents. For the last 20 years, there has been no agreement on what to do with SW 10th Street. As a result, no improvements were funded in the Broward MPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan known as Commitment 2040 when this process started.
Broward MPO Outreach Efforts
Meaningful public engagement is a requirement of comprehensive transportation planning for transportation projects. The Broward MPO Board directed the MPO Team to reach out to impacted communities along the corridor in order to identify issues and build consensus on alternative(s) that improve the safety, livability and mobility of those impacted communities. in 2015, the Community Oversight Advisory Team (or COAT) was created as part of the SW 10th Street Consensus Building Initiative. The COAT is comprised of representatives from the Cities of Deerfield Beach, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Parkland and at-large (Broward County) and was created to collaboratively develop concepts to improve the quality of life along the SW 10th Street/Sawgrass Expressway corridor.
COAT Recomendations
At the recommendation of the COAT, our partners at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) have begun a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study to continue the efforts of the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in addressing local access along SW 10th Street, improving safety, and providing a connection between I-95, Sawgrass Expressway and Florida’s Turnpike.
CLICK HERE for the COAT Recommendations to the Broward MPO Board
The purpose of the FDOT PD&E Study is to increase capacity and address existing operational and safety deficiencies along SR 869/SW 10th Street between Florida’s Turnpike/Sawgrass Expressway and SR 9/I-95, while also providing improved connectivity of the regional transportation network. Improving the system linkage between these facilities will improve mobility and contribute to the economic vitality of Southeast Florida. The PD&E study involves evaluating various alternatives and comparing the effects of each alternative. The Community Oversight Advisory Team (COAT) representatives will continue to be a key asset to the PD&E study and their recommendations will be evaluated and incorporated into the project as feasible.
What's Next?
Our partners at FDOT are partnering with the Broward MPO to continue this effort. Please visit their website, www.sw10street.com for current information on this effort.
FDOT Onine Project Update Webinars (June 2020)
FDOT is holding Project Update Webinars in June 2020.
On behalf of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Four, you are invited to attend a Project Update Webinar for the SW 10th Street Connector and I-95 from SW 10th Street to Hillsboro Boulevard Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Studies. The webinars will provide an update on the projects and changes since the last Alternatives Public Workshop and will be offered on three different days. The project corridor has been divided into three geographic areas or zones, see map below. The intent of the three webinars is to present the same presentation content but tailored to each specific geographic area and associated concerns along the corridor. If you are unable to attend your zone’s webinar, feel free to register for another date. In advance of the webinar, the exhibits will be posted to the project websites.
Webinar Information
The webinars will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and will be offered on the following three different days (see attachment for zones):
- Webinar #1 (Zone 1 – Turnpike to Powerline Rd) on Thursday, June 18th
- Webinar #2 (Zone 2 – Powerline Rd to Railroad) on Monday, June 29th
- Webinar #3 (Zone 3 – Railroad to East of I-95) on Wednesday, July 1st
The webinars will be online only and pre-registration is required. Please visit either of the project websites at www.sw10street.com or www.fdot.gov/projects/sefl/future/95/sr9 to register and get more information.
Please see the attached Webinar Announcement for more information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Manager, Robert Bostian at (954) 777-4427 or toll free at (866) 336-8435, ext. 4427, or via email at robert.bostian@dot.state.fl.us.
FDOT Public Kick Off Meeting (November 2017)
FDOT held a Public Kick Off Meeting in November 2017. CLICK HERE for the notice of that meeting.
For More Information
Please contact Paul Calvaresi at calvaresip@browardmpo.org or (954) 876-0037 to learn more about the Broward MPO and what they are working on in your community.